Claire Lea

Bsc(Hons), CA

Tax Partner

Tax & Wealth Planning
+44(0)121 2894455

As a Tax Partner and Head of Tax at Ellacotts, I am responsible for providing tailored advice across a broad range of clients and industries.  I do this with the support of an experienced team of qualified tax professionals. After graduating with a 2.1 Maths degree at Warwick University, I trained at one of the Big Four firms and spent a number of years in Birmingham.  I qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2008 and spent a number of years gaining corporate experience before moving to regional firms where I developed tax advisory functions, advising owner-managed businesses across all taxes for themselves and their businesses.

Working with the team at Ellacotts, we can provide holistic tailored tax advice, including but not limited to restructures, sales advice including MBOs and EoTs, share schemes, inheritance tax and capital gains planning, research and development credits, SDLT/land and property advice and specialist residency advice.  Being actively involved in the UK200 Group, the UK’s leading association of quality-assured professionals, this enables us to be at the forefront of tax regulation and planning to offer quality specialist advice to our clients.

Outside of work, I am kept busy with my three girls (two children and a dog!), two of which I am teaching the violin.  I enjoy going to concerts, running, pilates and eating out.

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International businesses

Audit & assurance

Research & development (R&D credits)

Outsourced VAT & bookkeepping

Mergers, acquisitions & disposals

Exit strategies

Place holder